September 24, 2020
Will our Industry Finally Admit the Truth about Banks?
Our midstream has been awful about keeping an eye on profitability, often focusing on annual turnover instead of their bottom line. We can't expect banks to take a chance on us when we can't make healthy margins. Moreover if you speak to many banking executives they bring up "reputational risk", the diamond industry for good or bad gets a lot of press. When a diamantaire goes belly up or worse, it's on every front page.
May 28, 2020
DelGatto Launches First Ever Online Finance Platform, on IDEX Online
The DELGATTO Diamond Finance Fund (DDFF) today (26 May 2020) launches the diamond industry's first ever online finance platform, on IDEX Online.
Dealers who have inventory on the IDEX Online trading platform will be able to click on any individual stone or stones and receive an immediate financing estimate from DELGATTO Diamond Finance Fund.
s this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...
May 13, 2020
Delgatto to Finance BlueRock’s Diamonds
Delgatto Diamond Finance Fund (DDFF) will provide presale financing for rough from BlueRock Diamonds’ Kareevlei mine in South Africa to help boost liquidity until diamond prices recover.this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...
January 23, 2020
DelGatto Diamond Finance to Provide Tender Financing for Koin International
DelGatto Diamond Finance (“DelGatto” or “Company”), today announced it has partnered with Koin International (“Koin”), to provide immediate financing for clients at Koin’s international tenders.
October 24, 2019
DelGatto Diamond Finance Gets $100 Million Investment
JCK Magazine
DelGatto Diamond Finance has received a $100 million facility from Crestline Investors, a credit-focused institutional alternative asset manager.
October 23, 2019
DelGatto Diamond Finance Attracts Investment from Crestline Investors to Support Accelerated Growth
DelGatto Diamond Finance today announced it has received a $100MM facility from Crestline Investors, Inc. ("Crestline"), a credit-focused institutional alternative asset manager.